How Does Smart Home Automation Work?

How Does Smart Home Automation Work?

How Does Smart Home Automation Work?

For years television and movies helped us dream about an advanced smart home that we interacted with and talked to. Visions of walking into a house and commanding it to turn the lights on, start dinner, pour wine, and play music tantalized audiences for years. Well, we are there now with smart homes and the Internet of Things (IoT) taking over how we live and design our homes. There are smart products for every room of the house now, all with the job of making life easier and connecting us to our homes even from thousands of miles away.

How Does Smart Home Automation Work?

Automation means any machine that can function and operate without you being present to do it. If you’ve ever set a coffee pot to start brewing coffee at a specific time in the morning, you’ve seen automation. It is not a new concept and has been in practice for decades. Smart home automation is just the natural continuation of this concept with the addition of IoT and the ever-expanding tech world. Chances are you already have some of smart technology in your home in your thermostat, refrigerator, or smart home security system. A smart product is anything in your home that has wireless capabilities that you can access remotely with a tablet or smart phone. That’s all it is.

The continued addition of smart products to your home doesn’t fully make it a smart home, though. When all the devices in your home are connected and controlled via a home hub, then you have a smart home. Several companies make hubs now, like the Amazon Echo, Google Nest, and Samsung SmartThings Hub. The hub acts as the control center, the brain of your smart house. It connects all you smart devices and allows you to control them from one central source. Because all the devices in your home are made by different manufacturers, they can speak different coding languages. These different languages make it difficult for them to connect and communicate with each other. The hub handles all of that, connects all the devices, and allows you one central spot to control via one application.

Leave It to the Pros

Setting up a smart home might seem easy at first, but it’s complicated. Yes, you can plug in and install any appliance in your home, and it will probably work on its own. There are tricks and skills needed, though, to fully connect all your smart appliances and make your home smart. Setting things up improperly can lead to functionality issues and noncommunication of the appliances with the hub and each other.

When you are ready for your own smart home or AV installation in Denver and surrounding areas, contact us! We are locally owned and ready to help.